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General Interest

Fast Company Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)

Fast Company magazine provides you with motivation, education, and inspiration that can help you achieve both your personal, and professional goals. Proud to be the world’s leading business media brand, the publication focuses on innovation in leadership, technology, creativity, design, and world-changing ideas.

A Fast Company digital magazine subscription encourages you to take your business acumen to the next level, and keeps you up to date with the ever-changing world of business. Created by the most progressive business leaders for those looking to grow within their industry - Fast Company is the perfect business partner for those looking to lead with purpose, embrace change, and shape the future of business.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to evolve, or a business leader looking to learn more - a Fast Company digital magazine subscription will keep you in charge of your professional destiny.

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Fast Company

Spring 2024 Discover the latest in design job trends, Nike's Olympic strategy, and the rise of a new search engine challenger in this issue of Fast Company. Plus, explore the ethics of tech podcasting and innovative solutions to global issues.

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Offerte digitali disponibili:

Singolo numero digitale Spring 2024
5,99 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale (include l'accesso all'archivio) €23,99 fatturati annualmente
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Fast Company  |  Spring 2024  

Discover the latest in design job trends, Nike's Olympic strategy, and the rise of a new search engine challenger in this issue of Fast Company. Plus, explore the ethics of tech podcasting and innovative solutions to global issues.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Since its launch in 1995, Fast Company magazine has been a trusted resource for business leaders, professionals, and curious minds looking to learn and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of business. Encouraging their readers to embrace change, and with an editorial focus on the new and innovative ideas that will reshape the future of business - the publication has been informing and inspiring their loyal readerbase for over a quarter of a century.

Created by two former Harvard Business Review editors - Alan Webber and Bill Taylor - Fast Company magazine was founded on a single premise, and continues to remain loyal to that mission statement decades later. Focussing on the future of business, rather than being restricted by outdated practices, Fast Company highlights the hard work and efforts of companies and individuals who are inventing the future, and reinventing business.

A Fast Company digital magazine subscription fuels the forward thinking of business leaders and enthusiastic entrepreneurs, and can help you keep ahead of the curve, on trend, and in control of your professional future.

Focus your efforts on better understanding the future of business. Download the latest issue to your device today! 

Engage with the evolution of business, and learn how the professional landscape is changing with a Fast Company digital magazine subscription. Regular features include:

  • Insights into the future of business
  • Interviews with industry-leading experts
  • Secrets of productive people - an in-depth look at what drives successful professionals
  • Latest news within business, technology, and design
  • Learn from leaders - advice and guidance from business leaders/company owners
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Riceverete 6 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Fast Company abbonamento alla rivista.

Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.

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Basato su 0 Recensioni dei clienti
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Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Fast Company Spring 2024.

Fast Company March April 2024 March April 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Winter 2023/2024 Winter 2023/2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Fall 2023 Fall 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company September 2023 September 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Spring 2023 Spring 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company March / April 2023 March / April 2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Winter 2022-2023 Winter 2022-2023 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company November 2022 November 2022 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company October 2022 October 2022 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company September 2022 September 2022 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company Summer 2022 Summer 2022 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Fast Company March / April 2022 March / April 2022 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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