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Bird ID Photo Guides Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Wildlife)
As a birder, you’ll know just how important it is to recognise the birds you come across while out in the field. Hone your birding identification skills with the Birdwatch and BirdGuides ID Photo Guide series. Written by expert birders, these comprehensive guides are illustrated with high-quality images to demonstrate the variation in plumages shown in birds at all ages and at all seasons, as well as helping you to separate similar species that can be tricky to tell apart while out birdwatching. From common and familiar birds to rarities and even the most extreme of vagrants, this series of seasonal compilations will help you get the best from your birding throughout the year.
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Bird ID Photo Guides

Birds of Prey IN THIS ISSUE The latest issue of the Birdwatch ID guide compilation series examines several tricky bird of prey species that may be encountered in Britain. Know your Northern Goshawks, wise up on European Honey Buzzard identification, learn to separate Red-footed Falcon from Eurasian Hobby and much more in this edition!

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Bird ID Photo Guides  |  Birds of Prey  


The latest issue of the Birdwatch ID guide compilation series examines several tricky bird of prey species that may be encountered in Britain. Know your Northern Goshawks, wise up on European Honey Buzzard identification, learn to separate Red-footed Falcon from Eurasian Hobby and much more in this edition!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
As a birder, you’ll know just how important it is to recognise the birds you come across while out in the field. Hone your birding identification skills with the Birdwatch and BirdGuides ID Photo Guide series. Written by expert birders, these comprehensive guides are illustrated with high-quality images to demonstrate the variation in plumages shown in birds at all ages and at all seasons, as well as helping you to separate similar species that can be tricky to tell apart while out birdwatching. From common and familiar birds to rarities and even the most extreme of vagrants, this series of seasonal compilations will help you get the best from your birding throughout the year.

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