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Prairies North Magazine Summer 2011 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €6,99
Celebrating our 50th Issue: 50 things to do in Saskatchewan before you die!
1) Discover the Joy of Birds
2) Soar in a Hot Air Balloon
3) Dust Down at a Threshing Bee
4) Speciate on Politics
5) Meditate on Medicare
6) Walk In Native Prairie Grass
7) Cross the SK River by Ferry
8) Listen for Petroglyph Voices
9) Sleep Over in a TeePee
10) Groove to Real SK Music
11) Swoon to the Loons
12) Feast at a Fall Supper
13) Play in Our Inland Sea
14) Make Music Outdoors with the Symphony
15) Ponder the Work of Fafard
16) Make a Pilgrimage to Grey Owl's Cabin
17) SAvour Original Wheat
18) Delight in Real SK Fruit
19) Give a Good Gift
20) Take to the Wine on a Kiteboard
21) Behold the Prairie from Cypress Hills
22) Get a Load of Potash
23) Ride a SK Slope
24) Get Close to Our Wildlife
25) Sled with Happy Dogs
26) Marvel at Our Northern Dunes
27) Find All Eight SK Emblems
28) Tour Our Art Studios
29) Follow the Path at Lebret's Stations of the Cross
30) Hear Ghosts in the Big Muddy
31) Idolize the Snowbirds
32) Toe Tap at a Fiddle Fest
33) Set Foot on the Trans Canada Trail
34) Dig for Dinos at Eastend
35) Track Bison in PA National Park
36) Spend an Hour at Telemiracle
37) Breathe History at Batoche
38) Have a Hand in the Harvest
39) Skywatch at Cypress HIlls
40) Keep the Wurst Company
41) Canoe into Stanley Mission
42) Stand at the Centre of SK
43) Knock Yourself Out at Moose Mountain
44) Wrestle the Spirits with Doukhobors
45) Leap Out of Our Beautiful Sky
46) Enter the World of Allen Sapp
47) Ply Big Water at Lake Diefenbaker
48) Be a Guest at the Lt. Governor's House
49) Catch your Own Sunset
50) Rush to Nistowiak Falls
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Prairies North Magazine

Summer 2011 Celebrating our 50th Issue: 50 things to do in Saskatchewan before you die! 1) Discover the Joy of Birds 2) Soar in a Hot Air Balloon 3) Dust Down at a Threshing Bee 4) Speciate on Politics 5) Meditate on Medicare 6) Walk In Native Prairie Grass 7) Cross the SK River by Ferry 8) Listen for Petroglyph Voices 9) Sleep Over in a TeePee 10) Groove to Real SK Music 11) Swoon to the Loons 12) Feast at a Fall Supper 13) Play in Our Inland Sea 14) Make Music Outdoors with the Symphony 15) Ponder the Work of Fafard 16) Make a Pilgrimage to Grey Owl's Cabin 17) SAvour Original Wheat 18) Delight in Real SK Fruit 19) Give a Good Gift 20) Take to the Wine on a Kiteboard 21) Behold the Prairie from Cypress Hills 22) Get a Load of Potash 23) Ride a SK Slope 24) Get Close to Our Wildlife 25) Sled with Happy Dogs 26) Marvel at Our Northern Dunes 27) Find All Eight SK Emblems 28) Tour Our Art Studios 29) Follow the Path at Lebret's Stations of the Cross 30) Hear Ghosts in the Big Muddy 31) Idolize the Snowbirds 32) Toe Tap at a Fiddle Fest 33) Set Foot on the Trans Canada Trail 34) Dig for Dinos at Eastend 35) Track Bison in PA National Park 36) Spend an Hour at Telemiracle 37) Breathe History at Batoche 38) Have a Hand in the Harvest 39) Skywatch at Cypress HIlls 40) Keep the Wurst Company 41) Canoe into Stanley Mission 42) Stand at the Centre of SK 43) Knock Yourself Out at Moose Mountain 44) Wrestle the Spirits with Doukhobors 45) Leap Out of Our Beautiful Sky 46) Enter the World of Allen Sapp 47) Ply Big Water at Lake Diefenbaker 48) Be a Guest at the Lt. Governor's House 49) Catch your Own Sunset 50) Rush to Nistowiak Falls

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6,99 / issue
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Issue Cover

Prairies North Magazine  |  Summer 2011  

Celebrating our 50th Issue: 50 things to do in Saskatchewan before you die!
1) Discover the Joy of Birds
2) Soar in a Hot Air Balloon
3) Dust Down at a Threshing Bee
4) Speciate on Politics
5) Meditate on Medicare
6) Walk In Native Prairie Grass
7) Cross the SK River by Ferry
8) Listen for Petroglyph Voices
9) Sleep Over in a TeePee
10) Groove to Real SK Music
11) Swoon to the Loons
12) Feast at a Fall Supper
13) Play in Our Inland Sea
14) Make Music Outdoors with the Symphony
15) Ponder the Work of Fafard
16) Make a Pilgrimage to Grey Owl's Cabin
17) SAvour Original Wheat
18) Delight in Real SK Fruit
19) Give a Good Gift
20) Take to the Wine on a Kiteboard
21) Behold the Prairie from Cypress Hills
22) Get a Load of Potash
23) Ride a SK Slope
24) Get Close to Our Wildlife
25) Sled with Happy Dogs
26) Marvel at Our Northern Dunes
27) Find All Eight SK Emblems
28) Tour Our Art Studios
29) Follow the Path at Lebret's Stations of the Cross
30) Hear Ghosts in the Big Muddy
31) Idolize the Snowbirds
32) Toe Tap at a Fiddle Fest
33) Set Foot on the Trans Canada Trail
34) Dig for Dinos at Eastend
35) Track Bison in PA National Park
36) Spend an Hour at Telemiracle
37) Breathe History at Batoche
38) Have a Hand in the Harvest
39) Skywatch at Cypress HIlls
40) Keep the Wurst Company
41) Canoe into Stanley Mission
42) Stand at the Centre of SK
43) Knock Yourself Out at Moose Mountain
44) Wrestle the Spirits with Doukhobors
45) Leap Out of Our Beautiful Sky
46) Enter the World of Allen Sapp
47) Ply Big Water at Lake Diefenbaker
48) Be a Guest at the Lt. Governor's House
49) Catch your Own Sunset
50) Rush to Nistowiak Falls
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Let Saskatchewan's own award-winning geographic magazine introduce you to the region's people and places with stunning photography and engaging stories. Whether you are from here or away, Prairies North will take you on a surprising voyage through the beautiful province that many are proud to call home.
In addition to treating your eyes to beautiful images of the prairie, you will learn about our history, marvel at our abundant wildlife, meet our hospitable people, and gather ideas for your own journey in our safe, friendly, and fun province. Use Prairies North to plan a tour and discover for yourself why this is a region not to be missed.

Each quarterly issue is published with the seasons to take you through a full year of adventure.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Prairies North review

Loved this mag when I was based in Canada and loved exploring the Canadian Prairies. Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

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