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Condé Nast heralds iPads as a 'significant shift' for digital

Condé Nast heralds iPads as a 'significant shift' for digital

Posted Thursday, 16 September 2010   |   1135 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
iOS 4.2 Software Update. Coming Soon to iPad

iOS 4.2 Software Update. Coming Soon to iPad

Posted Sunday, 5 September 2010   |   1171 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
Galaxy Tab unveiled as Samsung's first tablet computer

Galaxy Tab unveiled as Samsung's first tablet computer

Posted Thursday, 2 September 2010   |   1202 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
News Corp's Australian iPad app sold A$1m of ads at launch

News Corp's Australian iPad app sold A$1m of ads at launch

Posted Thursday, 2 September 2010   |   1103 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
Apple's iPad gains ground with firms, consumers

Apple's iPad gains ground with firms, consumers

Posted Thursday, 2 September 2010   |   1216 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
Smartphone sales to surge in Asia Pacific

Smartphone sales to surge in Asia Pacific

Posted Thursday, 2 September 2010   |   1199 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
Rupert Murdoch says Apple's iPad is a 'game-changer' for news media

Rupert Murdoch says Apple's iPad is a 'game-changer' for news media

Posted Thursday, 2 September 2010   |   1187 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
Apple sells 3M iPads in 80 days

Apple sells 3M iPads in 80 days

Posted Monday, 12 July 2010   |   1334 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
iPad Reaches Two Million Sales

iPad Reaches Two Million Sales

Posted Wednesday, 16 June 2010   |   1273 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog
iPad global launch date confirmed by Apple

iPad global launch date confirmed by Apple

Posted Friday, 7 May 2010   |   1304 views Please Enter a little snippet for the blog

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New Year, New You: Self-Care Magazines

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Inside Crochet Magazine & Janie Crow CAL (Crochet Along) Series

Inside Crochet Magazine & Janie Crow CAL (Crochet Along) Series

Inside Crochet Magazine has partnered with the wonderful Jane Crowfoot on a number of occasions in recent years, bringing her inspirational work to thousands of readers. Jane, also known as Janie Crow, is one of the UK’s most loved crochet and knitting designers and is renowned for her amazing use of colour. More...